Show off your BSCAI certifications and membership with Digital Badges! Digital Badges are a way to recognize your BSCAI certifications and company membership in a format that can be readily shared online. Like a paper certificate — when the icon is clicked, the information revealed can be authenticated and verified by the viewer, along with providing an expiration date. Once linked up to your profiles, your badge will serve as your online resume, confirming that you are a trusted source who offers value in the building service contractors industry.

How Does it Work?
BSCAI currently has three certification (RBSM, CBSE, and RBSP) Digital Badge offerings and a Verified Member Badge. Each badge (icon) is embedded with metadata and includes evidence of where, when, how and why it was earned. If you qualify, you will receive an email informing you of the issued badge and how to use it.
Why Have a Certification Digital Badge?
Digital badging is quickly becoming the currency of choice for professional recognition. Badges offer a convenient way to digitally record, store and share your certifications and experiences online. They also ensure the authenticity and security of credentials being delivered and shared.
Any certification badge in your portfolio can be shared on social media sites, online resumes, company websites and email signatures. Don't wait to share your expertise!
Why Have a Verified Member Digital Badge?
The Verified Member badge has been specifically designed for your company to incorporate on all your digital platforms, especially your company website, to show you are a verified BSCAI company. Hiring companies will see this badge as a source they can trust.
If anyone hovers their cursor over the badge, they will be conveniently prompted with further information about BSCAI. This is an incredibly useful feature that a simple, static graphic cannot provide.