Climb the Corporate Ladder
Dan Cline credits his membership in the Building Service Contractors Association International (BSCAI) as one of the main reasons he has climbed the corporate ladder at 4M Building Solutions, from a regional vice president to division vice president and currently, executive vice president.
The BSCAI seminars and conferences he attended over the years have been helpful, as he’s used them as both a sounding board and a road map around the pitfalls of the business. Cline has made connections and learned insider tips on the contract cleaning business trade.
And, as other grateful members have done, Cline has given back. He developed content for a BSCAI Virtual Operations Summit and gained valuable leadership skills. Attendees walked away from that Summit with new retention strategies, a better sense of how technology is changing the direction of the building service contractor field and an improved understanding of how to implement training programs companywide.

Dan Cline
Executive Vice President
4M Building Solutions
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BSCAI members represent more than 1,000 companies from across the U.S. and 20 countries worldwide. Meet and learn from leaders in the contract cleaning business to maximize growth, stay on top of current trends, and take advantage of industry collaboration.