BSCAI Member Advisory

About BSCAI Member Advisory

The BSCAI Member Advisory allows members to connect with fellow members to gain guidance and industry advice from fellow BSCAI members in two ways: Peer Groups and Mentorship. Our peer group and mentor programs offer you the opportunity to connect with other active members well experienced in the BSC industry and become more involved – an ideal forum for receiving professional advice and direction from others that have been in your shoes.

BSCAI Mentor Program

If you are looking for a one-on-one relationship with a seasoned professional in the industry, turn to BSCAI for a mentor or become one yourself.  The program pairs members with a mentor/mentee to provide tailored advice and input that will help you grow, enter new markets or simply learn from another BSCAI member.

Click here to learn more and get started. 

BSCAI Peer Groups 

BSCAI offers peer groups that will provide you with an avenue to freely share ideas, information and best practices in a group setting.  BSCAI will help match you with peers in other parts of the country and provide tools and resources to help foster a close-knit group addressing issues and growing together in the industry.

Click here to learn more and get started.