Bracket pools for March Madness are growing in popularity given the easy management though online resources and can be a fun way to connect co-workers even if only for a few weeks.
However, there are some things to consider before officially allowing bracket pools or any similar event to be done through the company.
Open it up to everyone
Don't allow money to be exchanged
Be prepared for a dip in productivity
Protect your network security
Monitor the side "chatter
Realize you will need to allow similar activities in the future
While bracket pools are fun, you may decide the downside is not worth it. In that case, tell the organizing employee the bracket must be handled using personal emails and be done when off-duty. And be consistent with future requests.
There are other ways to use March Madness as a teambuilding opportunity. Perhaps invite employees to wear jerseys of their favorite schools or watch part of the games during a company-sponsored lunch. Finding any way to tie in a popular event to create teambuilding can be a win-win.
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