What are some trends you see developing in the BSC industry?
There is a strong push for buildings to “clean for health”. This means ensuring everything is cleaned thoroughly to prevent illness and keep employees, customers, and all end users healthy. Green cleaning will continue to rise, as more and more companies look to make a positive impact on the environment.
How would you describe your leadership style?
My leadership style combines several styles depending on the situation. Sometimes I direct, sometimes I delegate. I’d like to think of myself as a coach, and I always make sure to be available to support.
What is one challenge you’ve experienced in your career and how did you handle it?
It’s human nature to resist change. Sometimes end users have a difficult time envisioning change when switching programs. My job entails taking detailed steps and providing a timeline to make the conversion process as easy and pain free as possible. Being available to support and guide along the way is the best way to handle these situations.
Any advice for new BSCs coming into the industry?
Make sure to interview your supply partners. Be sure to find the right vendors to support you. Word of mouth is your best advertisement.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career?
Put your future forward. Don’t wait for everything to just fall into place. Set a goal and start taking steps to reach that goal now.

Bucky Snell, East Coast Building Service Contractor Manager, Spartan Chemical