Member Stories

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Spencer Moore is the president and CEO of Transcend Facility Services, a Pennsylvania-based company he founded a decade ago after working as a CPA in an array of corporate environments. An immigrant from West Africa, Spencer has long viewed working in the cleaning industry as a way to add value to society — both as a janitorial company and as a measure of health prevention.

His outlook has only become more positive since getting involved with BSCAI. Membership in the association “is one of the best things that has happened to me!” Moore says in an episode of BSCAI’s Contracting Conversations podcast. “The benchmarking that I have gotten from other professionals, the best practices and the peer group friendships built,” he says, have all been major benefits.

Moore doesn’t view other BSCAI members as competitors, either. “If I tried to operate in a cocoon, then I would be losing out,” he says. “Interconnective collaboration just helps everyone. I am in the Northeast. Someone on the West Coast or the South could benefit from what I’m saying, and I could benefit from them, as well. Even as we compete as we grow and operate nationally, it is mutually beneficial. There is a lot of business out there to be won!”

BSCAI members represent more than 1,000 companies from across the U.S. and 20 countries worldwide. Meet and learn from leaders in the contract cleaning business to maximize growth, stay on top of current trends, and take advantage of industry collaboration.



"I have leveraged most of the programs and training, I don’t know if I could operate on my own without that partnership. It’s been extremely helpful . . . and essential to everything we are doing."


BSCAI · From Corporate Environments to Contract Cleaning: How Spencer Moore Built His Business

BSCAI members represent more than 1,000 companies from across the U.S. and 20 countries worldwide. Meet and learn from leaders in the contract cleaning business to maximize growth, stay on top of current trends, and take advantage of industry collaboration.