Business Insights

Take Control of How the World Sees You: Executive Management Conference Preview With Sylvie di Giusto

The perception others have of you and your business is a critical aspect of your organization. The first impression clients receive of your company will set the tone of your relationship with them in the moment and into the future. To build trust and strong connections with customers, your business must authentically communicate your brand’s values and beliefs.

At BSCAI’s upcoming Executive Management Conference, Sylvie di Giusto will host a session titled “You Have 7 Seconds. Make Them Count!”

di Giusto will draw from her decades of corporate leadership experience to provide attendees with a deep understanding of the psychology of first impressions and their impact on professional relationships. In this preview, we sat down with her to learn more about her background and what attendees can expect from the session.

What excites you most about being in the corporate leadership field?

My two-decade journey through corporate leadership in European retail has endowed me with a deep understanding of organizational structures and operational intricacies. While retail and building service construction may seem worlds apart, I've learned that the principles of making impactful, lasting impressions by leveraging your emotional intelligence are universal.

In my corporate experience, I was often in the position of hiring speakers. What excites me most about being in the speaking field is the profound transformation that can occur within an audience. I am fully dedicated to providing practical insights that can be applied the moment you leave the event. In fact, I am obsessed with the transformation I can inspire. For me, speaking is never about the speaker — it's always about the audience.


What can attendees look forward to during your session?

I'll take you out of your comfort zone. While this might seem daunting and make you feel anxious, I firmly believe that the comfort zone is a very dangerous place to be — it's where growth is stunted and where we cling to outdated belief systems. Prepare for an insightful, thought-provoking journey of self-discovery, helping you reconcile how you see yourself with how the world sees you. You’ll learn how to ensure both perspectives align with the expectations of your team members, clients and vendors — all stakeholders interacting with you.

I’ll also expand on the idea that you don't have to change who you are. In fact, you should become more of who you are — but with intention. If you don't control how you're perceived, others will take control.

Managing your perception isn't about faking it until you're making it. It's about showcasing your best assets and consciously highlighting the traits relevant to leadership in the building service construction arena. It's about authentically guiding with respect, control and professionalism — leading by example to inspire integrity and excellence in your field.


Is there a particular topic in your session you think is especially interesting?

Have you ever left a meeting thinking, "I should've, could've, would've"? Those are tiny moments of regret where we know that if we had just made a different minor choice ahead of time, the outcome would have been different. I'll help you shift from these automatic, routine-based actions to making deliberate and strategic choices in the way you present yourself — micro choices that will have a macro impact.


Join us at BSCAI’s Executive Management Conference, taking place April 25-27, 2024, and attend di Giusto’s session, among other can’t-miss learning opportunities. Learn more and register today.


Sylvie di Giusto is a seasoned international keynote speaker specializing in emotional intelligence, perception dynamics and the power of first impressions. With over two decades of corporate experience in Europe and the U.S., she brings a wealth of knowledge to her interactive sessions. di Giusto is known for her engaging presentations that blend scientific insights with actionable strategies, aiming to empower professionals to elevate t